Pleasant hill baptist church

Our Ministries

No matter your stage or season of life, we want you and your family to join us! 

Your family is always welcome here at Pleasant Hill.

Our prayer is that each person - young or old - will grow and respond to salvation and a personal relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ when led by the Holy Spirit.

  • Children are important at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church! We offer a variety of services for our youngest children, including an infant nursery, a toddler nursery, a quiet room at the rear of the sanctuary, and Children's Church. 

  • Pleasant Hill works hard to provide engaging, inclusive learning and fellowship opportunities for our elementary-aged children and our youth. We seek to provide and minister to children through education, worship, activities, and fellowship. For more information, click MORE.

  • Vacation Bible School

    VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Biblical lessons, singing, and crafts. Oh my! There's also snacks and play time. VBS is typically the second full week in June, and we have classes for 2 year olds through Youth. There's also an Adult class. Everybody learns and has fun...and eats well!

  • While we put a lot of emphasis on our kids, we work to make sure our adults have opportunities for fellowship and learning focused on them, too. For more information, click MORE.

  • We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and Jesus served. Therefore, we are called to serve. One way we at Pleasant Hill fulfill that commandment is through our Care Crew. Primarily, Care Crew is a card ministry, but over time it has evolved into so much more: visits, calls, meals, transportation, and other needs held by those in our church family and community.

  • Media ministry

    We always have an open spot on our Media Ministry teams to train an extra volunteer!  We utilize both audio and video systems as part of our media ministry inside the church and outside streaming to our faithful viewers.  Please let any of our media team know if you would like an opportunity to see how it all works and potentially join in the fun.

  • CHURCH Bus Ministry

    As part of our evangelistic outreach, we operate a bus ministry to transport anyone wishing to attend our services.

Join pleasant hill baptist church

We know that attending a church service for the first time can be a super scary thing. At Pleasant Hill, you can expect friendly and authentic people, engaging and relevant music and worship, and compelling preaching from the Bible. 

You will be encouraged and maybe even challenged.