
We provide nursery care during both Sunday services for infants through 2 years of age. We are very excited to have both an Infant Nursery and a Toddler Nursery, with a baby/crib room for sleeping children and a separate play area for older, wakeful children. There are two sneak-a-peek windows to allow you to check on your child without them seeing you. We have wonderful nursery workers that love our kids and share God's love with them.

We also offer a Quiet Room at the rear of the sanctuary. This allows for parents to observe the service while rocking or walking a sleeping baby. While not completely soundproof, this room does provide an option other than the nursery, and the mirrored window allows for privacy, as occupants can see out but people in the sanctuary can't see in.

children's church

Children's Church is offered during Sunday morning worship, allowing children ages 2 - Kindergarten a chance to hear God's word in a more kid-friendly environment. Children learn about God's love for us through a variety of activities, including songs, stories, puzzles, crafts, activities, and the occasional Christian Kids video. Very simple snacks are also offered.